S01.02xa is a billable icd code used to specify a diagnosis of laceration with foreign body of scalp, initial encounter. This is the official approximate match mapping between icd9 and icd10, as provided by the general equivalency mapping crosswalk.
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Centers for medicare and medicaid services. Laceration with foreign body of scalp, initial encounter. The above description is abbreviated.
All that is required to care for most cuts is to wash them with soap and water and keep them clean and dry.
This is the official approximate match mapping between icd9 and icd10, as provided by the general equivalency mapping crosswalk. The above description is abbreviated. 852 subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, following injury. 851 cerebral laceration and contusion. 925 crushing injury of face, scalp, and neck. Billable medical code for open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecified site(s), without mention of complication. The patient also suffering a minor laceration to the forehead. Icd9 description 764 910 abrasion or friction burn of face, neck, and scalp 910.1 abrasion or friction 998.2 accidental puncture or laceration during a procedu e919.0 accidents caused by agricultural machines. General thoracic surgery icd9 to icd10 crosswalks. Laceration see also see also a see also instruction following a main term in the index instructs that there is another main term that may also be referenced that may provide additional index entries that may be useful. Other free graft to conjunctiva. Repair of laceration of conjunctiva. The scalp is highly vascularized, and pretty much any type of a laceration to the scalp would cause profuse bleeding, depending on where and how big it is. Site unspecified maignant neoplasm of gum upper gum lower gum other sites of gum gum, unspecified malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth anterior portion lateral portion other sites of floor of mouth. All that is required to care for most cuts is to wash them with soap and water and keep them clean and dry. Frenulum laceration icd 9 code. Head injury was ruled out.